RESISTANCE REELS, Caixa de Resistência | Documentary. Spain, Portugal, Color, 99′, 2024. Dir: Concha Barquero Artés and Alejandro Alvarado Jódar. After his death, Fernando Ruiz Vergara left dozens of sketches for films he was never able to make. The Andalusian filmmaker only directed one film, Rocío, heartbreaking and fascinating, cursed after its judicial censorship in the early years of Spanish democracy. Since then, his projects remained in the imagination. In Resistance Box we take up again the films dreamed by Fernando to film them, from the present, as a gesture of resistance. [+]
THE GIRL WITH THE OCCUPIED EYES, A Menina com os Olhos Ocupados | Animation. Portugal, Color, 7’55, 2024. Dir: André Carrilho. Once upon a time, there was a little girl who, even when out and about, was always distracted. Eyes fixed on her phone, she didn’t notice the world around her or anyone who wanted to play. What could be done to “disoccupy” her eyes? [+]
HIPPOCAMPUS, Hipocampo | Drama. Portugal, Spain, Color, 16’55, 2023. With Luisa Gavasa, Laura Barba and Yune Nogueiras. Dir: Fer Pérez. The fortuitous meeting of three women who have just lost their partners will mark a before and after in their lives. They don’t know each other and neither can believe what is about to happen. In the immensity of an empty hospital waiting room, there is only one thing left to do: to accept life. [+]
THE OLD HOUSE, O Casarão | Documentary. Portugal, Color, 72′, 2021. Dir: Filipe Araújo. An old house withers away at the heart of a village ripped in half by a road where cars no longer stop. During the dictatorship, this building was the most progressive Catholic seminary in Portugal. António, the front door neighbour, was brought up and raised a family in its shadow. Ever since the Dominican priests left, he has been its most faithful caretaker – keeper of ghosts, memories, and hallways now emptied of life. Abandoned for years, the town’s former epicentre now hopes for a new life. [+]
THE NINTH LIFE OF GUALDINO, A Sétima Vida de Gualdino | Documentary. Portugal, Color, 61′, 2014. Dir: Filipe Araújo. By the end of an incredible life full of adventure, misfortune and surreal accomplishments, a self-taught drummer, exalted to jazz legend for having introduced to the stage dozens of inexperienced young people acclaimed today in the music industry, suffers a stroke. At first, half of his body is paralyzed, but his stubbornness is overpowering. The mission will be ambitious: to regain full movement, play the drums once again, introduce one last singer and return to Paris, where he played with Nina Simone and even lived under a bridge. [+]
ENTRY FORBIDDEN TO UNAUTHORIZED STRANGERS, Entrada Proibida a Pessoas Estranhas aos Navios | Short fiction. Portugal, Color, 22’24, 2019. Dir: André Torres. Unable to travel around the world, I decided to travel around the statue of the first man who (kind of…) circumnavigated the world, 500 years ago. Through the voice of Antonio Pigafetta in “Relazione del primo viaggio intorno al mondo” I find the migrants who inhabit my neighborhood in Lisbon. [+]
IBERIANA | Short fiction. Portugal, Color, 12’30, 2011. Dir: Filipe Araújo. Entirely filmed in Georgia, “Iberiana” is a short film by Filipe Araújo freely adapted from João Lopes Marques’ homonymous novel. It’s a project developed by the Portuguese independent production company Blablabla Media. In this movie fictional narrative borders documentary and performance while adopting a thesis that dates back to Ancient Greece. Some still believe our Atlantic Iberia had its genesis in the Caucasus. [+]
THE FINAL FRONTIER, Selvagens, A Última Fronteira | Documentary. Portugal, Color, 30′, 2007. Dir: Filipe Araújo. Thirty degrees off the Equator and 80 miles from the nearest civilization (Tenerife), lie the southernmost reaches of Portugal: two inhospitable and weather-worn rocks, stranded in mid-Atlantic, closer to the Canary Islands than the archipelago of Madeira. Here one finds no telephones, running water depends on the rains, electricity is solar-powered and there are only two cottages. One belongs to the government, the other to a British couple. Welcome to the Savage Islands. You’ve just stepped ashore on the final frontier. [+]
AFRICAN PARADE | Documentary. Spain, Portugal, Color, 58′, 2008. Dir: Filipe Araújo. As the stage for the biggest meeting ever held between European diplomacy and 53 African leaders famous dictators included, Lisbon became the centre of the world. Amidst a massive media spectacle, Europe and Africa meet in the Portuguese capital for a weekend filled with displays of power and glory. For the first time in history the ex-colonized display themselves ostentatiously, like pop-stars, before their old colonizers. [+]
HAY RAP EN EL BARRIO | Documentary. Spain, Portugal, Color, 10′, 2007. Dir: Filipe Araújo. En el mestizo barrio de Lavapiés, en Madrid, el venezolano Carlitos Wey encamina a los niños de los barrios problemáticos hacia el arte del ritmo y de la poesía. Todos los sábados sin excepción, el rapper latino transforma una de las salas cedidas por el Ayuntamiento de Madrid en un laboratorio de rap, en el que cerca de 40 niños y jóvenes aprenden a expresar sus ideas a través del micrófono, dando vida y color a tapetes musicales lanzados por el DJ de servicio.
KUNTA | Short fiction. Portugal, Color, 20′, 2007. Dir: Ângelo Torres. One night, in a traditional Portuguese snack-bar from the country side, the phone rings. The Spanish Civil Guard is looking for Kunta. People start speculating. Who is really that man they barely know? His he a thief? A terrorist? [+]
C-MAIL | Documentary. Portugal, Color, 10′, 2005. Dir: Filipe Araújo. Johan Wolf is a former teacher from an island in the North Sea who started combing messages in bottles in 1968. Early in 2005, he had achieved a collection of 160 letters.